
Showing posts from July, 2019

Muslim become greatest bhakt of Bhagwan Shri Krishna " Swami Haridasa Thakura "

Muslim become greatest bhakt  of Bhagwan Shri Krishna " Swami Haridasa Thakura "      As Prahlada Maharaja appeared in a family of demons and Hanuman appeared as a monkey, Sri Haridasa Thakura appeared amongst the lower caste of Muslim family . Haridasa had a handsome form with all aristocratic features. Highly intellectual, he won all debates in Sanskrit and philosophy. Yet, he never lost his temper. In his youth, he became famous for his extreme devotion and ascetism. Though born in a Muslim family, when he became a Vaisnava, even brahmanas would eagerly smear their bodies with the dust of his feet.     The Supreme Lord Anantadeva Himself praises Haridasa Thakura, "Even Lord Brahma and Lord Siva always desire to associate with such devotees as Haridasa. And the demigods desire to touch the transcendental body of Haridasa. Simply by saying his name, Haridasa, one will be promoted to Krishna's abode." (Caitanya Bhagavata)     Navadvipa was full of gross